Friday, April 30, 2010

"America held captive to utopian ideology"

The article by Patrick Buchanan was very thought-provoking. America's super powers seem to be declining right now; we are not the nation we used to be, and I definitely think this has partly to do with the fact that Europe has lost respect for us (more specifically, George W. Bush was our president and then we re-elected him). The connection between 19th century America and the China today was very interesting, and I agree. Americans were not so concerned with human rights when we were overwhelmed by the notion of Manifest Destiny and we shoved aside and suppressed the Native Americans. But now we are calling China out on human rights. Is it fair because the people of the world have made progress when it comes to human rights---it's more of an "issue"? Or was our shady past not so long ago that we really have no place to be criticizing China? What I really take away from the article is America is like a slightly delusional old woman who is in no condition to be playing world police.
I must say that I blushed at the sentence "her educational system at the primary and secondary systems are in shambles". I've always thought that America was number one at everything (even though I really know we aren't) but it seemed as though regardless of how we ranked, we we certain to do well, to succeed, simply because we were America. It is not so. We have to compete with the rest of the world, and it starts in kindergarten.
"America, declaring racial, ethnic, and religious diversity as a strength, invites the world to swamp it's native born. And mostly poor, unskilled and uneducated, they are coming by the millions". I'm not racist, but the first thing I thought about was the rising Hispanic population, because a lot of immigrants come from Mexico. I'm not trying to be unsympathetic, but at this point, we don't have jobs available. We are no longer the land of opportunity in that regard.

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